

Welcome to my journey of life. I am Rita Moser and now that I am a grandmother of eight beautiful and of course, wonderful grandchildren. My desire is to document my mosaic journey and the DIY log house their grandfather and I built, way before they were born. Now that I am older with age and wish I had more information about my grandparents, it is my desire to explain what, why, and how their grandfather and I ventured into a life in the rural country at a very young age. Hopefully, one day,…


Mosaic Art is MAGICAL! Any and everything is accepted in making a mosaic art piece. There are no rules or limits in mosaic works. Every kind of material imaginable is used! If your hands, eyes, and heart love it, then use this item. Use anything you want to "express yourself" or even "relay a special message". Any and all things are appreciated in this magnificent world of art. Art that will last many lifetimes, allowing future generations the experience of a legacy left behind, by a caring…

The River

Weather in Texas is unpredictable and sometimes even miserable. Mr. Moser and I have been very intent on adjusting any way needed to accommodate the drastic changes in the weather here. In 2009 the longest dry spell happened and things were miserable. Grass along the highways and East Texas farm roads were brown and dead. Fires were possible. Actually throughout September 2008 thru 2009, the longest dry one year period occurred costing the cattle industry over 0ne Billion Dollars. This dry…

Raising Grandkids

My desire with this post is to find other grandparents who are raising grandchildren. I hope to find support with this subject, share information, and ask questions. There is an estimation at this time to be an as many as 13 million children living with grandparents in the United States. Not just living with them but also raising them. So that means that 2.7 million grandparents are acting as parents. I am one of the lucky ones because I do have a daughter who has no children and her husband…