My husband and I moved from Dallas to the rural country of East Texas in 1982 with our two little boys, a 1 and 3 yr. old. Our farm includes 16 acres and is 15 miles from the closest small town. I was 24 and he was 27 when we became pioneers and I cherish every minute we have lived here.

We purchased 16 ft. logs and began the foundation of our DIY house. With my husband’s instruction I learned as he taught me and together- just the two of us, built our log house. My hope is to record and share these memories for my grandkids. My children know a lot of the story because they were actually here, helping and watching.

Mosaics became my passion as I watched my husband build the rock walls in our house. There are several walls each with a different kind of stone.  As I watched his techniques I wondered if I could apply these same techniques to small stones and tile? So I began with only tile, then adding rock, and eventually added  found treasures of Mother Nature. The treasures increased in love and value as we found the North Sulphur River to explore and collect. Many fossils, petrified wood, sea glass, shells, and artifacts worked their way into my walls. and now all these years later I want to share and continue on with my passion of creating mosaic walls.

Over the course of 22 years I have made a whole house of walls, each with different themes and materials used. The first walls were simple and spacing of the tile and color of grout used were important. But, as my talents and knowledge improved I began hiding special meanings within the mosaics. This began my stories of the how and why, along with the motivation involved. I hope you will enjoy and find even love and humor in my tales, as I share these pictures.