Raising Grandkids

My desire with this post is to find other grandparents who are raising grandchildren. I hope to find support with this subject, share information, and ask questions. There is an estimation at this time to be an as many as 13 million children living with grandparents in the United States. Not just living with them but also raising them. So that means that 2.7 million grandparents are acting as parents. I am one of the lucky ones because I do have a daughter who has no children and her husband helping me and my husband, their maternal grandfather. This gives extra support to the child being raised and should help with depression and anxiety of my grandchildren. Over 40% of these children are being raised by grandparents due to a least one parent's substance abuse. As grandparents we sometimes cling to the hope eventually these parents can  and will overcome their problems to somewhat help. If you can relate to any piece of this post I welcome you to connect with me and at least we can give each other support and exchange ideas, articles, and hopefully results that will enable us to not feel so alone and makes us the grandparents we strive to be!